On Friday night, the “Hope for Haiti Now” telethon aired on 11 channels, and in two hours raised $53M, with more donations still coming in. This is a testament to the generosity of Americans.
The money will be distributed to seven charities: the Clinton Bush Haiti Fund, UNICEF, American Red Cross,Yele Haiti, World Food Programme, Oxfam America, and Partners in Health. And over the next several months, these charities will provide much-needed food, water, medical care, and other services.
But after the telethons are over, and the resilient people of Haiti have begun to rebuild, their children are going to need an education. So while I admire those who’ve donated money for Haiti’s disaster relief, I am also asking you to support CREED, and make an investment in the future of the Haitian nation.
I ask you to do this without the bright lights of a prime-time telethon. Neither Madonna nor Bono nor Bruce Springsteen will perform and entreat you to donate. If you decide to give money to CREED, Steven Spielberg will not chat you up on the phone after taking your credit card number. But I promise we will not be any less grateful.
Since 2007, CREED has been distributing School Kits in the US and around the world, anywhere there are children who want to learn but lack the tools. Children can’t learn to write if they don’t have a pencil or notebook. Without an eraser, they can’t get rid of a mistake and write the correct answer—which is the learning process. And all it costs is $10.
In a few months we will begin sending our School Kits to Haiti. The 3.5M children of this impoverished island didn’t have much before this disaster, but now they have even less. If they have a school kit, then they will have at least one thing: the opportunity to learn.
Over 50 aftershocks have rattled Haiti in the last two weeks, further damaging the island’s infrastructure. Aftershocks of another type will continue to pummel this nation—temblors that hit at the Haitian psyche and confidence—unless they are empowered to improve lives and their nation. We at CREED believe that education is the way to do this. If you agree, I invite you to join us by clicking on the button below.
Now through February 28, any donations made to Haiti relief can be deducted from 2009 tax filings.