The St. Paul and Rose Orphanage is currently taking care of 27 children. Paul, the owner of the orphanage was only able to pay for 20 of the children which left 7 of them at home for a semester. Schooling in Uganda is expensive for the people, costing $50 (in U.S. currency) for one semester, and $1350 for all of the children in the orphanage to attend for only one semester.
Paul doesn’t want people to donate money so all of the children may attend school, because once one semester is over who is going to be able to pay for the next? Even if he receives more donations for many semesters to come, those donations will eventually come to a close.
Children with the dental kits we handed out after showing them how to properly care for their teeth.
Instead, he would rather develop a micro-business that he and the children can work together to create a steady income for the children’s school fund every semester. Running a micro-business will provide the children with a great economic education, which will strengthen their abilities to care for their own families later in life.
He has asked a team of young adults that have come to Uganda to help out with the AIDS victims to assist him and his children in building a chicken coup so the children will have an opportunity to sell the eggs at a market nearby. The team of young adults would absolutely love to help this orphanage out, but they don’t have enough funds to build it. But Paul didn’t give up. He asked the team to try to cut the project in half, “only do half as big of a coup”, but the team wouldn’t even be able to afford that small of a coup. It broke their hearts to have to turn down this sweet man’s request to help better the lives of orphans in Uganda, especially because with having a chicken coup these children will learn a valuable and practical skill in Uganda by caring, and taking care of chickens.
But this chicken coup is only the beginning of Paul and Roses dreams and aspirations for their humble orphanage. "We have children show up on our doorstep every week asking for a place to live and the best we can do is give them some food before turning them away." Paul and Rose say. They want to be able to expand their orphanage so they are able to house more orphans.
Even though a chicken coup seems like a small little project, it will turn out to be what changes many children’s lives. Through this many children will be able to go through school, and eventually find work to take care of, and support their future families. Eventually Paul and Rose will be able to expand their orphanage and change many other children’s lives as well. But there is no way that any of this will be able to happen without donations to start on one chicken coup.
The chicken coop will cost $1,500 USD to build it large enough and strong enough to withstand the elements and wild animals. That will also supply them with a small flock of chickens to start out with as well. All extra funds will be used for school kits we will send to the orphanage.
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